media issues and debates

Thursday, March 01, 2007

News values...
Gatlung and rouge outlined the first list list of news values in 1965. They suggested that the selection of news for newspapers and for news broadcasts is done by appliaction of these news values by gatekeeping who control the news we recieve:
News values:
The news values which i consider to be the most important and why:
  • Threshold- The event has to be big enough to make it into big news
  • Meaningfulnesss- The event has to have a meaning that will target and engage the reader.
  • unexprectedness- unpredictable events also engage the audience as it is a new story that has hit the headline.
  • Consonance- The event has to match the audiences exprectations in order for them to stay remained throughout the text.


The Daily mail newspaper:

  • Threshold- the main big event which is in the paper and also on the front page is of prince charles and the fact that he wants to ban big macs. This story is big enough to have made it into the news.
  • Unexpectedness- "a baby tht has come back from the dead" after he suffered from a herat attack with no brain damage caused.
  • Reference to elite persons- Mainly prince charles and his family- several members of his family are regular customers of mcdonalds.
  • Personalisation- Again prince charles is the main person in the newspaper who has done most of the action of the event.
  • Continuity- The husband of murdered Nisha Patel has been questioned about her death. This event has been coverd from last yearas she died least year and the police have now charged her husband and can keep him in prison for 24 hours.


What is gatekeeping?

Gatekeeping is the editing of a newspaper. The gatekeepers are primarily responsible and are the editors who select and order news broadcasts or select and plan the newspaper layout. They only allow particular items into the news text and this selection will depend pn factors such as the application of news valuses, audience expectaions and institutional requirements.


What do we mean by bias?

Bias is a one sided point of view which can be influenced by the attitudes and background of its interviewers, writers, photographers and editors.


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