Coke finds 'perfect couple'...
What the article is about?
Basically the article is about Wayne Rooney and his wife who are going to appear together in a 30 second tv commercial that advertises coca-cola. The key issue the article raises is the fact that Rooney is promoting a male targeted coke formally known as "coke zero" but has been dubbed down to "bloke coke".
However his wife Coleen McLoughlin is promoting "diet coke" that is directly targeted towards females in the market. In the previous years deit coke has targeted a female audience however now the soft drinks company want to target females as their core audience in the market.
What do I think?
Well i think that firstly this can be seen as a big change from the company coca cola becasue when they advertsie coke in the xmas period their adverts are usually targeted towards family and have the basic theme of togterness and unity. By the fact that Coca Cola are now using celebrity endorsement promotes the idea that all men should aspire to be like Rooney. Aslo this is suggesting a divide in the market between males and females because diet coke is now going to be aimed at women by Rooneys wife promoting this idea. She is a attractive young lady and the majority offemales in the market will aspire to be like her. Also Rooney is promoting coke zero in the advert which directly targets males as it now has been dubbed down to "bloke coke". I think that this is a very clever idea from coca cola becasue people will buy this product and would view it as having tow different identities e.g-"diet coke"-females who want to look good, want to loose weight and "coke zero"- for the powerful and energetic male. This again does conform to stereotypes.
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