media issues and debates

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

self evaluation...
Attainment: 2
I work hard in the subject and am also up to date with any work that is set.
Effort: 2
I put alot of effort into the media course and and also my blog work that i am always up to date with.
Punctuality: 1
Im always on time to lessons and am never late and i always attend lessons to.
Submission and quality of homework: 1
I always hand my home work in on time and my blog tasks are of high quality and up to date.
Ability to work independently: 2
As we are doing independent study work i have to work on my own so in that case i am good at doing that task rather then working in a group.
Quality of writing: 2
My quality of writing has improved from last year and i write in a clear way which can be understood.
Organisation of Media folder: 1
My media folder is very well organised and is set out in a clear way. I have different sections for different topics.
Oral contributions in class: 2
I do contribute in class and share my ideas, however this can be done more.
  1. work very very hard on independent study
  2. read the media guardian
  3. go over the theroies we have learnt this year and also the representaion of asians etc as there was alot of context in these units.


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