Module 1...
Film poster- Scream 3
- Media langauge- The background colour of the film poster is very dark and grey. It sends a message out to the audience that the film is going to be mysterious.
- The main image is of the letter 3 with an eye in the middle which is placed in the middle of the page.
- The rest of the poster is in black(having connotations of death) however this colour tone is juxtaposed as the lighting in the number 3 is very bright. This is very significant as the audience know this is the third making of the film.
- In the image of the number 3 we see another image of an eye a quater of a human beings face. This again sends a message out to the audience that the film is going to be mysterious.
- This also raises certain enigmas in the audiences mind as they would want to find out why there is only a quater of a face being represented.
- Therefore this would enable the audience to go and watch the film which is the main purpose of a film poster.
- The genre of the film can be placed under the genre of horror or thriller.
- This is very evident as the image of the eye does look distressed and under pain.
- The use of dark mysterious colours can also be a suggestion of the film being a thriller one.
- The image of the eye can aslo be used as an iconographic symbol as this symbol is evident in other thriller movies.
- The main image at the bottom of the poster is of the scream mask which was used on the first few movies.
- The mask has connotations of death and is a very strange symbol- again causing enigmas.
- "coming soon"- used in almost every film poster. Therefore this can be seen as a typical convention of a film poster.
- The juxtaposition of the colours black(death) and white(freedom, happiness and purity) can suggest that people in the film did have happy and free lives, however this was put to threat by the use of a murderer.
- The font of the letters "scream 3" set out in a mysterious way.
- There is more emphasis placed on the letter "m" which can suggest that the film is going to be about murder.
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